Cotswold District Local Plan Update and Cirencester Town Centre Masterplan Consultation

Cotswold District Council (CDC) is updating its adopted Local Plan to make it “Green to the Core”. The adopted Local Plan covers a period from 2011 to 2031. The Council is also considering development needs up to 2041 and options for how these may be delivered. During this period the Council also is consulting upon a draft Framework Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document for Cirencester Central Area (a town centre masterplan).

The Town Council and Cirencester Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NDP) have worked closely with CDC on the town centre masterplan. This is to ensure that the masterplan reflects the evidence, ideas and vision gathered and shaped through the NDP process. The Neighbourhood Plan and framework masterplan will together, create an overall vision for the future development of Cirencester. Should you wish to provide feedback on Cotswold District Council’s masterplan consultation, please visit the District’s Website. The document and supporting evidence can also be viewed and downloaded via the District Council's website.


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