Health & Wellbeing

Health and wellbeing is an important part of everyday life. It is integral to leading a happy and healthy lifestyle. Promoting the health and wellbeing of our residents is important to us. Check out our links on this page to local and national sources of advice and support.

If you would prefer the information on this page in a printed format, or to talk to someone, please email or call into our Local Information Centre (LIC) where the team will be happy to signpost you to information.

NHS Advice
The best source of information and advice on preventative measures, symptoms, etc., is available on the NHS Website, telephone 111 if you cannot access help online.

Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust (GHC)
Gloucestershire NHS Foundation Website

Community Wellbeing Service in the Cotswolds
This provides support to improve the health and wellbeing of the community and residents. For more information on the service and what they can help with please visit the GRCC Website, or telephone 07738 106384 or email
Leaflet for Covid

Citizens Advice Bureau
If you need support, the phone line is available: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10 am - 3 pm Telephone 0808 800 0511 or visit the Citizens Advice Bureau Website.

Gloucestershire Police
Telephone 101 or 999. Press 55 if you cant talk.

Telephone 0800 555 111

Universal Credit Guide
The following guide helps local people navigate claiming Universal Credit,

Worrying About Money Leaflet
This leaflet offers many ways, for those struggling financially, to access immediate assistance via a number of agencies and funding streams.

Local Organisations

The Churn
The Churn Project offers support to the most vulnerable and marginalised people of the Cirencester area. They aim to reduce isolation and improve well-being for local people. They provide services for families, the unemployed and older people. For more information, please visit The Churn’s website or telephone 01285 380038

Cotswold Counselling
Cotswold Counselling provides adults and children with the opportunity to talk, in confidence to someone trained to listen. They aim to help you make sense of difficult circumstances and feelings, and to help you find the strength to move forward. For more information, please visit Cotswold Counselling’s website or telephone 01285 885830

Cirencester Food Bank
Cirencester Foodbank provide emergency food to people in crisis. Please contact Citizen’s Advice, telephone 0808 2082138 for free (open Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm). You’ll confidentially talk to a trained Citizens Advice agent and, if needed, they’ll issue you with a food bank voucher. Foodbank website

Scrubditch Care Farm Project
The care farm provides farming based activities for adults and young people with learning disabilities. Telephone 01285 831750 or visit the website

Corinium Talking News (CTN)
CTN produces weekly CDS of local news for the visually impaired and housebound. Telephone 01285 898594 or visit the website

Cirencester Housing for Young People (CHYP)
CHYP provides supported accommodation for vulnerable single young people, aged between 16 and 25 years old, in Cirencester and the surrounding area who find themselves homeless through no fault of their own. Telephone 01285 651227 or visit the website

Cirencester Opportunity Group
Cirencester Opportunity Group is an independent charity providing integrated education for preschool children and support for their families.  Telephone 01285 659117 or visit the website

Beat- Eating Disorders Support Group
An open access drop-in group. The aim of the group is to offer a confidential, approachable and understanding forum for help, support and information and to provide discussion and the sharing of experiences in a relaxed and friendly environment. Open to anyone in Gloucestershire - sufferers, relatives and friends. Meets on the first Wednesday of each month from 7.30pm to 9pm at Coates Village Hall. T: 01285 770385

Longfield support adults living with life-limiting illnesses, their carers, families and the recently bereaved, by offering a range of locally based free services, to help them achieve a better quality of life whilst living with their illness.  Telephone 01453 886868 or visit the website

Barnwood Trust
The Trust offer a range of grants to disabled people and people with mental health challenges to make the most of their lives. Telephone 01242 539935 or visit the website

Home-Start Cotswolds
Home-Start are a local charity providing support, friendship and practical help for families with young children in the Cotswold District Council area to steer them through the stresses and strains of life. Telephone 01285 885391 or visit the website

Community Connexions
Accessible door to door transport solutions including for shopping, health appointments and social events. Telephone 0345 680 5029 or visit the Community Connexions Website.

Cotswold Friends Community Transport Service
This service can help you if you are not able to drive or if public transport is difficult to use. Telephone 01608 697010 or visit the Cotswold Friends Website.

Age UK, Gloucestershire
Age Uk is dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. Your local branch is Age Uk Gloucestershire. For more information please visit their website or telephone 01452 422660

NHS Healthy Lifestyles team, Gloucestershire
If you live in Gloucestershire, the Healthy Lifestyles team is on hand to support you with making small changes. Whether you would like support around healthy weight, alcohol or exercise, HLS can help. Visit the website or telephone 0800 122 3788

Inclusion Gloucestershire
The Inclusion Gloucestershire Website has lots of useful resources.
T: 01452 234003

Change, Grow, Live (CGL)
Drug and alcohol recovery service, appointments by phone and email. Telephone 01452 223 014 or visit the website

Gloucestershire Carers Hub
Offering information, advice and guidance to carers. Telephone 0300 111 9000  or visit the website

Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS)
A service to reduce the level of domestic abuse and improve the safety of victims and their families. Telephone 01452 726570 or use the online referral form on the website

Stroud Women’s Refuge
Telephone 01453 764385 or visit the Stroud Women’s Refuge Website

Gloucestershire Self Harm Helpline
For people who self harm, their families and carers, telephone, web chat and text support Telpehone 0808 801 0606, Text: 07537 410 022  or visit

Gloucestershire Nightstop
Gloucestershire Nightstop is a charity offering emergency accommodation in people's homes; the hosts are local people in Gloucestershire who invite you to stay a night with them. Telephone 01452 541957 or visit

Young Gloucestershire (YG)
Young Gloucestershire is a countywide charity that supports disadvantaged young people who are facing challenges in their lives. Telephone 01452 501008 or visit

Your Circle, Gloucestershire
Your Circle is a website with information, advice and support to help you, or someone you look after, stay independent, safe and well. It has lots of information about local groups, societies, clubs, and services in Gloucestershire. It can help connect you with places and activities in your community, and navigate health and care options. Visit the website

Glosfamilies Directory

P3, Gloucestershire
Provides services for the socially excluded and vulnerable, and can help with addiction issues, dealing with debt, and accessing specialist services. Telephone 0808 168 2443 or visit the website

Independence Trust
The Independence Trust are here to support people who are experiencing moderate to severe Mental Ill Health. Telephone 0345 8638323 or visit the website

Cotswold Community Wellbeing Service
Anyone over the age of 16 living in Gloucestershire, or registered with a Gloucestershire GP, can access the Community Wellbeing Service.  Referrals can be made by a health or social care professional, a Voluntary and Community Sector Group, members of the community, as well as by self-referral. The service offers one-to-one support for individuals and may also signpost or refer people to activities and groups available in their area.  Telephone 07738 106384 or visit the website service

Gloucestershire NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme
Gloucestershire NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme is here to help you learn about a healthier you. A record number of people in the UK are living with Type 2 diabetes. This figure has more than doubled since 1996. Every 2 minutes someone is diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. The good news is if you're at risk of Type 2 diabetes there are lots of small changes you can make to prevent it from developing in the first place. The first thing to do is find out if you are at risk. To find out more or take a short questionnaire please call Telephone: 0333 577 3010 or visit the website:

Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) Health & Wellbeing Device
GCC have a section of their website dedicated to information on health and wellbeing

Mindsong is a Gloucestershire based charity supporting people living with dementia through singing together. They have a group in Cirencester called Sing 2 Remember which runs at the Ashcroft Community Centre, and in partnership with Churn Project. People living at home with dementia can come with their partners/supporters and at each session while the group sings together, there is a carer supporter present for the carers to talk with. These carer supporters include the Alzheimers community dementia link worker, an admiral nurse, someone from the Gloucestershire carers hub and one of Mindsong’s music therapists. Mindsong welcome people, not just those living with dementia, but people who have been bereaved through dementia, or people who are isolated and in need of friendship, laughter and some singing.

Cirencester & District (Mental Health) Carers Support Group
The group provides a break from caring for people who are supporting a family member or friend who has a mental illness. Meetings offer a friendly, informal space where carers can relax, gain support and talk with others in a similar situation. Carers can also learn more about mental health issues and local services. The group has a support worker who can offer one to one support to members. Meetings take place on the second Tuesday of the month 1pm-3pm. Currently meeting at Cirencester Baptist Church (Meeting Room), Chesterton Lane, Cirencester GL7 1YE. Contact Name: Kathy Holmes, Support Worker. Telephone: 07956119436 Email: Alternatively contact Gloucestershire Carers Hub 0300 111 900 or email for details.

Fear Less
Your local support for domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking (formerly- Splitz Support Service). Fear Less is the new name, and has been supporting people with abuse for over 25 years. Please take a look at their website

Insight Gloucestershire
The only local charity providing face-to-face practical & emotional support for those living with sight loss. Our aim is to ensure people with sight loss in the county are able to lead active, independent and fulfilled lives. We fulfill our aims by providing information, advice and guidance from the point of diagnosis.  We run a monthly Community Hub in Cirencester on the 3rd Monday of every month at The Churn Project, The Community Room, 14-16 The Waterloo from 10:00 - 13:00. To find out more about what happens at our hubs, visit:

National Organisations

The Samaritans
If you need someone to talk to, or are worried about someone else, the Samaritans may be able to help. Find out more about their services on the Samaritans Website or telephone 116123 at any time.

Stay Alive App
An app for those at risk of suicide or those worried about someone else,

Mental Health Foundation
A range of content designed to give you more information about mental health and to help you to look after your mental health. Telephone: 020 7803 1100 or visit the website

Every Mind Matters
Expert advice and practical tips to help people look after their mental health and wellbeing.

A leading UK mental health charity to improve the quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness,

Lets Talk
Loneliness is an issue that can affect us all at some point in our lives. The Let’s Talk Loneliness toolkit is a good place to start. Their website brings together organisations, resources and inspirational stories that are united in a shared aim, to get more people talking about loneliness,

Providing a range of information and resources to support mental health problems, or telephone 0300 123 3393

Marmalade Trust
Marmalade Trust exists to raise awareness of loneliness and support people to make beneficial connections in their locality. Marmalade Connections offers an extended period of 1-2-1 telephone support for up to 15 weeks.  Telephone 07566 244788

Rethink Mental Illness
Offering an online hub to provide practical support

Guideposts Information Service
A free helpline for those struggling with anxiety or feeling isolated, telephone 0800 048 7035 or webchat via the Guideposts Website.

Addiction Advocates
Mental Health & Addiction 24hour helpline, a specialised service that provides drug and alcohol rehab and mental health services across the UK. Their team of specialists can provide help and advice on both how to manage their mental health and to deal with issues relating to addiction of harmful substances such as drugs and alcohol

OK Rehab
Guidance and support for people experiencing problems with substance misuse and co-occurring mental health problems

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
A leading movement against suicide. Telephone 0800 58 58 58 or visit the website

The Silver Line is the only free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. For people aged  55 and over, call 0800 4 70 80 90 for visit the website

Women’s Aid
Women’s Aid is a grassroots federation working together to provide life-saving services in England and build a future where domestic abuse is not tolerated, Women’s Aid Website

National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Telephone 0808 2000 247

National Stalking Helpline
Telephone 0808 802 0300

Men’s Advice Line
Telephone 0808 801 0327

The Mix
The Mix provides free, confidential help for under 25s online and via a helpline. Call 0808 808 4494, text THEMIX to 85258 or use their online chat service on the website

TIC+ support children and young people aged 9-21 and their families with issues such as depression, anxiety, bereavement, bullying, anger, relationship problems, low self-esteem and self-harm. Telephone 01594 372777 or visit the website

Young Minds
Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Call the Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday 9.30am – 4pm, free for mobiles and landlines) or visit the website

Support and tips to help you keep children safe. From advice on children’s mental health to staying safe online, support for parents and what to do if you’re worried about a child.
Helplines: Help for adults concerned about a child, telpehone 0808 800 5000
Help for children and young people telephone Childline on 0800 1111

Childline counsellors available online or on the telephone, or telephone 0800 1111

Five Rivers Child Care
Turning children’s lives around since 1989, helping children rediscover their childhoods. We are also a member of “Social Enterprise UK”. We are looking to raise awareness of fostering and also recruit foster carers in your area. Want to find out more? Contact our carer enquiries team on 0345 266 0272 or visit our website

Family Information Service (FIS)
Impartial, confidential information, advice and signposting for families with children aged 0-19 (or 25 if the young person has a disability or additional needs). Telephone 0800 542 0202

National Autistic Society
The UK's largest provider of specialist autism services. Telephone 0808 800 4104 or visit the website

Alzheimers’s Society
Lots of useful advice and resources for those living with or caring for someone with dementia on the website

Shelter helps millions of people every year struggling with bad housing or homelessness through advice, support and legal services. Telephone 0808 800 4444 or visit the website

Together works alongside people on their journey towards better mental wellbeing and independent lives. Telephone 020 77807300 or visit the website

MindOut work to improve the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQ communities and to make mental health a community concern. Visit the website

A UK charity representing the views and daily experience of people with a learning disability and their families. Telephone 020 7454 0454 or visit the website

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
AA is concerned solely with the personal recovery and continued sobriety of individual alcoholics who turn to the AA for help. Telephone 0800 9177650 or visit the website

Resources and help-line service for drug and alcohol rehab. Telephone 0800 140 4690 visit the Rehab4addiction website.

Rehab Recovery
A helpline for those struggling with addiction issues Rehab Recovery website

GamCare is a national provider of free information, advice and support for anyone affected by problem gambling. Telephone 0800 8020 133 or visit

Information and advice about drugs. Telephone 0300 1236600, text 82111 or visit

Supporting those with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, OCD,

Anne Robson Helpline
At the Anne Robson Trust we aim to be there to listen to anyone who is struggling with the imminent death of someone they care about. They know that facing the end of life can leave you isolated and alone. Calls are free and confidential on 0808 801 0688

Being able to access support whilst a loved one is dying is really important for a number of reasons. Gaining knowledge of what may happen towards the end and having a sense of ‘preparedness’ helps both the person dying and their family gain as much control as possible. Please visit to find out more.

Warm and Well
Energy efficiency advice. Telephone 0800 500 3076 or visit

Step Change
Free debt advice and money management. Telephone 0800 138 1111 or visit

Debt advice and money management. Telephone 0808 802 2000 or visit

Healthy Start Vouchers
To help buy fruit, vegetables and milk of you are on a low income, pregnant or have a child under 4. Telephone 0345 607 6823 or visit

Local Government Association
Reaching Out: This important guide outlines the current loneliness policy context, uses a range of case studies to demonstrate effective local delivery models working in practice, and provides useful check lists and top tips on how to measure and evaluate outputs. You can find the guide via

National Association of Local Councils (NALC)
NALC health and well-being resources can be found via
Health and wellbeing is part of everyday life. It is integral to leading a happy and healthy lifestyle. As the first tier of local government and the closest port of call for residents’ local (parish and town) councils can play a huge role in ensuring that our communities are stronger, healthier and thriving places to live. Local councils, by providing information, services and access, can help improve the lives of millions of people. Health and wellbeing is personal and different for each individual, by highlighting the effect of hidden disabilities and the roles that local councils can play; NALC hopes to increase awareness and bring about positive change for local communities.