
Located in the Market Place are the weekly Monday and Friday Charter Markets, the monthly Arts & Crafts Market and the Farmers’ Market, held on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month as well as a number of speciality markets.

Coming up in May …….

  • Twilight Markets - May – September 2025

  • Food & Lifestyle Market – Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th May

ï  Continental Market  – Saturday 31st May & Sunday 1st June

Save the Date …….

  • Sunday 22nd June - Cirencester Big Lunch, Abbey Grounds, 12pm – 6pm

  • Sunday 15th June (Father’s Day)  – Car Show, Market Place

All listings may be subject to change so please check regularly for updates. 

Follow us on Social Media @CirenMarkets to keep up to date.

The charter and farmers markets are managed by Cotswold Markets Ltd on behalf of the Town Council. Applications for a market stall should be made via Cotswold Markets Ltd Website. For all new trader enquiries please contact Dave Joynes, Managing Director on 01608 652662 or via Contact the Town Council’s markets team via or call 01285 655646. Market and Events Operators, independent traders or anyone wishing to use Cirencester Market Place must agree to the Markets terms & conditions - terms and conditions.


How we licence markets - Getting Permission to hold a market, fair or event.

To ensure the town’s markets can continue to thrive, we license markets and other events where goods, foods or drinks are sold, whether commercially or for charitable purposes. These powers result from the granting of Market Charters, some of which date from medieval times which protected the rights of local traders from rival markets within six and two third miles from their own stalls.

Today these powers extend to our existing markets and are statutory rights to authorise, control and even prevent external events via the granting of chargeable market licences for both regular and one-off markets, or any similar events where there are multiple sellers and buyers coming together.

We also have a duty to ensure markets are safe and comply with legislation covering Trading Standards, Environmental Health and Consumer Rights and to avoid duplication or too many markets taking place in one locality.

If you would like to hold a one off or an occasional market, fair or car boot in Cirencester, you must apply for a licence from the Town Council. Your application must be received at least 28 days before your event is due to take place. Even if the fair or market is on private land, you must get permission if the public can access your event. If you don’t, both you and the landowner could be prosecuted.

If you would like to hold a market within the area please contact our Markets team at