Proposed by Gloucestershire County Council 30, 40 & 50mph Speed Limit - A419 - Stroud & Cotswold
Proposed 30, 40 & 50 mph Speed Limits – A419 between Stroud & Cirencester
1. To introduce the speed limits detailed in the schedules below
2. To rectify anomalies between the existing 30mph speed limit Traffic Order and the on-site situation on Stroud Road in Cirencester, by revoking the existing Traffic Order and introducing a 30mph speed limit by virtue of street lighting (where there is street lighting) and by Traffic Order as detailed in Schedule 1 below (where there is no streetlighting) along Stroud Road, Cirencester.
3. To repropose the existing 40mph speed limit on London Road from Stroud to Chalford to consolidate the speed limits on the A419 into one Traffic Order.
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