Medium Term Financial Planning
We have a significant level of responsibility on behalf of the local community in looking after a wide range of historic assets, as well as land and the public realm, and community services which includes markets and events, community safety and children and young people.
We have 16 play area sites across Cirencester and each needs improvement; some equipment will be reaching the end of its useful life, some will need maintaining, repairing, and refurbishing.
We have in excess of 115 pieces of equipment, as well as fencing, gates, signage, litter bins, picnic tables, seating, safety surfaces, planters, boulders, logs, cycle racks, pathways, wooden steps, access bridge, toilets, changing facilities, recreation areas, sports pitches, tennis courts and bbq's.
As well as the Council’s equipped areas of play and recreation we have in excess of 45 hectares of open space to maintain.
The budget estimates cover day to day operational costs in maintaining all of this for the public. These estimates do not include major investment to replace or refurbish our play spaces and other open spaces to ensure that they are fit for purpose in the longer term.
Our medium term financial plan, which was recently approved by the Council, seeks to raise up to £640k over the next four years for capital improvements and from 2026-27 to have up to £60k per annum available for repair and maintenance projects such as repairing fences and resurfacing footpaths within our open spaces, such as the Abbey Grounds.