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Falklands – rebirth of a Community

  • St Peters Court St Peters Road Cirencester, GL7 1RZ (map)

Cirencester Probus talk given by Ken Ingamells.

The retired man’s oasis of calm!”

The Club provides an opportunity for retired and semi-retired men to meet for a couple of hours on Fridays for a chat, a coffee and then to listen to one of the most varied schedules of talks in Cirencester.  Coffee is available from 9.45 and the meetings (which are totally informal – no minutes!) start at 10.20.  The talk is usually underway by 10.30 and the meeting closes around 11.45.  There are meetings every Friday, but this is an offer, not a commitment (very few members turn up every Friday). 

In addition, we have a number of social events throughout the year. These range from the monthly informal pub lunches for members, to the six or seven events each year at which partners and guests are also welcome. 

The Club is very much a Club run by members for members with everyone playing their part in contributing to its activities. It is run with the minimum of fuss and formality, the emphasis being on not taking ourselves too seriously and simply concentrating on enjoying each other’s company.

If you would like to find out how we tick, why not come along to one of the meetings?  There is no need to make an appointment.  Just come along one Friday to St Peters Court at the end of St Peter’s Road and introduce yourself; we would be very pleased to see you.

6 March

Antiques and Collectables

6 March

Charter Market