Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan: Cirencester

Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) are developing Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) for Cirencester, as well as Cam and Dursley. LCWIPs identify local cycling and walking networks, and set out a high-level plan for how these will be improved over time to create safe, connected networks.

What are your views?
An important part of producing an LCWIP is getting good input. Would you like to be involved in identifying the local networks and thinking about what improvements are needed, where?

How do I get involved?
If you would like to take part, there is a website that allows you to;

• Comment on draft walking and cycling corridors;
• Identify additional, or alternative links that may be needed; and
• Highlight issues/locations where improvements are needed.

To access the website, please follow this link: https://pinpointgcccycleroute.firebaseapp.com/lcwip/
Please respond by 21st February 2022.

Workshop Events in Cirencester
GCC are hosting online workshops where they will present the draft networks and collect your feedback on the key barriers to walking and cycling in the town. Please click on the links below to register for the workshop events you wish to attend;

Monday 14th February; Afternoon 2pm-4pm

Thursday 17th February; Evening 6pm–7.30pm


Town Centre Access Audit


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