Charity Cotswold Friends need Volunteer Drivers
Cotswold Friends is putting out a plea for volunteer drivers, to support its Community Transport Service. Where people are unable to drive themselves, or find Public Transport difficult to use, Cotswold Friends can help.
Corporate Strategy Annual Report
The Town Council is on track to complete the strategic priorities identified in the short-term strategy and has recently published an annual report,
Climate Change Action Plan
In 2019, Cirencester Town Council declared a Climate Emergency; this is because the Council acknowledged that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a special report in October 2018 on the subject of ‘Global Warming of 1.5°C’.
Something new in the Market Place!
A traditional red telephone box has landed in the Market Place; a great opportunity for a selfie! Thank you to everyone who helped to fund this initiative through Spacehive Crowdfund Cotswold and for the support of Cotswold District Council and Gloucestershire County Council.
Open Day Success
A huge thank you to everyone who took part in our recent open day event when we met a prospective candidate who wants to stand for election onto the Town Council, residents and business owners who want to volunteer in the community, several people who want to join our land and property team, a potential student intern and a young person who is looking to establish a creative writing business.
Financial News
In accordance with the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, Cirencester Town Council has published the notice of conclusion of audit along with the Annual Governance and Accounting statements and the External Audit Report and Certificate for 2021-22
Our commitment to the Community
In May of each year the Town Council reviews its commitment to the community and sets out the work programme for the next 12 months.
Anti-Social Behaviour
There has been anti-social behaviour and vandalism across various open spaces including St Michael’s Park and the Abbey Grounds, these are important and valued facilities.
Community Charter
Cirencester Town Council has signed up to be part of the Neighbourhood Watch Community Safety Charter making a commitment to take positive, concrete steps to contribute to make Cirencester safer for everyone.
Are you worried about money?
We know that many residents may be worried about the cost of living going up or who are currently facing financial difficulty, you are not alone and help is available.
Wild Meadows Project
Cirencester Town Council is working in partnership with the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust to create a range of wild flower meadows across Cirencester, as part of our response to the climate emergency and enhancing bio-diversity within our open spaces.
St. Michael’s Park Relaunched!
The National Tennis Association (NTA) and Cirencester Town Council are working to reactivate St Michael's Parks facilities and activities.
Gloucestershire Cycling Improvement Plan
Gloucestershire County Council has developed cycling and walking networks and identified some improvements in line with government guidance, which focuses on town centres. More broadly and in anticipation of an increased use of e-bikes, which enable longer journeys up steeper gradients, Gloucestershire want to develop a county wide network of cycling corridors that link the county’s more rural towns and villages.
Town Centre Access Audit
Following a successful drop-in session and workshop hosted by Accessible Gloucestershire, work has begun on the town centre access audit.
City Bank Nature Reserve – Dogs on Leads
City Bank is an important nature reserve and recreational area; following recent concerns, please could dog owners ensure that their dogs are kept on a lead at all times in this area. This is to protect the wildlife as well as minimising the risk of the open space being damaged.
Corporate Strategy Quarterly Update
Our Corporate Strategy has recently been reviewed; the strategy consists of 38 priorities across 5 themes.
U3a Craft Group
The U3a Creative Craft Group have been designing and stitching again. Their latest display is simply called CIRENCESTER. The pieces are textile embroideries depicting views of interest in our historic and beautiful Cotswold town.
New Cirencester Wildlife Map
Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, as part of their ERDF Wild Towns Initiative, have produced a new Cirencester Wildlife walking map.
Norman Arch Cottage
The Norman Arch Cottage has been cleaned and cleared and Councillors have had the opportunity to have a look around this historic asset; the Town Council will now start its refurbishment programme and explore options for future use. We would welcome views from the public on how it could be used in the future, please feedback comments using our online map at
Introducing Cirencester Commonplace
Cirencester Town Council is seeking to improve communication and engagement with the public through commonplace.