Norman Arch and Cottage
Cirencester Town Council has listed building consent to refurbish the residential cottage in the Abbey Grounds.
Cotswold District Council’s Car Parking Strategy Survey
Cotswold District Council are now in the process of reviewing their strategy to ensure it is making best use of Council assets and meeting the needs of customers, both now and in the future.
Snowman Trail Winners
Many congratulations go to Otto Sampson who has won 4x tickets to The Barn Theatre show, Sherlock Holmes and Lucas Bond who has won a 1 hour virtual MudBear Voucher.
Corporate Peer Challenge - Progress Review
In 2022 we invited the National Association of Local Councils and the Local Government Association to undertake a Corporate Peer Challenge.
Council Meetings this Month
You’re welcome to join us live via YouTube or in person at the Winstone Learning Centre at the Corinium Museum in Cirencester
Have Your Say - Cirencester Town Council Budget Consultation 2024/25
Cirencester Town Council is consulting on its budget estimates for 2024-25. Have your say until Sunday 21st January 2024.
Youth Voice
The voice of young people can help us make the right decisions for the future, but equally young people are an important part of our community in the here and now.
Community Response
When an incident occurs, such as extreme weather or flooding it’s good to know that your community is here to help.
Climate Hub
The Cirencester Climate Hub is a space for sharing information and ideas to help tackle climate change. We hope lots of people will visit the Hub and be inspired to make a difference. If you have a resource or an idea to share please contact us!
Reclaim the Night
On the 24th of November our CEO, Andrew Tubb and Mayor Cllr Sabrina Dixon joined the Police and Crime Commissioner and District Councillors on the Reclaim the Night march organised by GRASAC.
Modern Day Slavery and Trafficking
On the 24th of November our Mayor, Cllr Sabrina Dixon opened the Hiding in Plain Sight conference on Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking which was organised by the Cirencester & District Soroptimist International Club with the Cheltenham & District Club.
Council Meetings
Our next meeting is on Tuesday 23rd January 2024 when the Council will be considering a wide range of important issues.
Public Consultations
Our green spaces consultation will be launching soon, alongside our budget consultation for 2024-25 and various surveys for young people.
Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who volunteered during the Advent Market and Annual Christmas Lights Switch On Event.
Permanent Traffic Order
A Permanent Traffic Order for On Street Parking King Street, Dollar Street and Victoria Road has now been confirmed.
Cirencester Open Air Swimming Pool receives The King’s Award for Voluntary Service
The volunteers from Cirencester Open Air Swimming Pool have just been honoured with The King’s Award for Voluntary Service. This is the highest award a local voluntary group can receive in the UK and is equivalent to an MBE.
Gloucestershire Nightstop
Could you be a beacon of hope for young people facing homelessness! Join our incredible team of Gloucestershire Nightstop Longstop Volunteers and make a lasting impact in our community.
Online Anti-Social Behaviour Tool
Gloucestershire Police have launched a new online reporting tool for non-urgent anti-social behaviour issues.
Grant Funds - Supporting Local Initiatives
Cirencester Town Council are delighted to announce that our Finance and Audit Committee recently approved a wide range of grants from an allocation of £14,946.25.
Green Spaces Public Consultation
Cirencester Town Council will be launching an important green spaces consultation in November, seeking your views and ideas on the future of our green, and open, spaces in Cirencester.